The Legion of Mary is an Association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of all have formed themselves into a Legion for service of the Church against the evil forces in the world. The legionaries hope to render themselves worthy of their great heavenly Queen by their loyalty, their virtues, and their courage.
Some of the key activities of the legionaries to help the growth of a true community spirit are as follows :
- Visitation of the homes of the people.
- Conducting para-liturgical services on Sundays and holidays of obligation in places where there is no priest available to celebrate Mass
- Conducting religious instruction classes
- Visitation and care of the handicapped, the sick and the old, including, when necessary, making arrangements for a visit of the priest
- Recitation of the rosary at wakes and funerals
- Promotion of Catholic Associations and Parish Societies, including Church Confraternities or Sodalities, where they exist, by recruiting new members and encouraging existing members to persevere;
- Collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish and so help to bring every soul in some manner into the protective network of the Church, thus securing the safety alike of the individual and the community.
Karnataka Regia to Senatus (India):
This Regia looks after the Legion in the Archdiocese of Bangalore, India and consists of 9 praesidia, 15 senior Curiae, 1 junior Curia and 5 Comitia.
There are 4,406 senior and 883 junior members. The Legion is working in 9 of the 11 Dioceses with further scope of development.
The Concilium proposed and seconded the raising of Karnataka Regia to Senatus status. The proposal is approved after the ecclesiastical permissions.
The Senatus office for Karnataka is also in St. Marys Basilica Bangalore.